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Week 14 at CBS

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

The weather has finally taken a turn for the worse in Copenhagen. It was very windy this week which can make 40°F feel like 25°F.

Despite this, on Wednesday, I went to the Marble Church or Frederik's Church which was stunning. From there, I rode the bus to the Copenhagen Opera House, where I could not go inside since there were no shows on. To get back into the city, I took the ferry. On Wednesday night, CBS had another exchange social event which was a visit to the Christmas markets in Kongens Nytorv and Nyhavn. It was very fun and lively but also freezing with the wind.

On Thursday, I did a day trip to Roskilde where I visited the Roskilde Cathedral and Viking Ship Museum. It was unfortunately rainy, but the cathedral was larger and had more exhibits than expected. The museum was cute but definitely more worth a visit in the Summer when they have boating activities.

On Friday, I celebrated a belated Thanksgiving with my friends by making spam musubis.

This weekend, I will be going to Geneva, Switzerland!

(November 22, 2023 - November 24, 2023)

The Christmas Markets

The Marble Church

The Copenhagen Opera House and Ferry

Roskilde Cathedral

The Viking Ship Museum

Spam Musubis


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