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My Top 10 Reasons for Studying Abroad at CBS

10. The language barrier is very minimal. When I was picking my exchange country I was a little stressed about language barriers and almost ended up going to Australia. However, I learned from past scholars that Denmark is very English friendly and Danes are open to helping you learn Danish. I ended up taking a Danish language course which definitely helped with my pronunciation.

9. Danish pastries are the best! I visited bakeries all over Denmark and especially enjoyed trying each bakery's spandauer.

8. Denmark is known as one of the happiest countries in the world and I wanted to see it for myself.

7. I wanted to go somewhere cold and Denmark certainly checked that off.

6. I wanted to learn more about international perspectives on sustainability. Denmark has a strong focus on sustainability which translates into many of their courses. I took a course called, "International Business and Sustainable Development" which helped me understand the Danish perspective on sustainability. Even in courses that did not blatantly focus on sustainability, the topic worked its way into numerous class discussions.

5. To see the Northern Lights. This was on my bucket list for years and CBS was one of the only schools in Northern Europe that was available for exchange with UHM. Being in Northern Europe allowed me to catch the Northern Lights twice!

4. The ability to travel throughout Northern Europe. It was interesting to see how similar yet different nearby countries such as Sweden and Norway are to Denmark.

3. I wanted to be able to explore a different and diverse culture. Initially, I knew nothing about Danish culture, but I ended up picking up some practices such as hygge and some history facts as well.

2. At CBS, you can take quarter-long classes which are half a semester long. I liked this flexibility and chose to stack all four of my classes in the first half of the semester so I could explore Denmark for the other half.

1. I wanted to experience the new and scary. It may sound strange, but I chose Denmark because it was in a region that I had never ventured to before. I wanted to put myself in a new environment and have an adventure.


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