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Week 16 at CBS

This was my last week in Copenhagen before my parents come to visit. It's also the last week of my semester here at CBS. Overall, I enjoyed my experience in Denmark and was able to meet various new people from around the world, travel to many countries, and appreciate new cultures. It has been a very defining experience for me and I would gladly do it all again.  

On Tuesday, I went ice skating with my friends at Broens Skøjtebane. It is a cute outdoor ice rink next to a small food stall market. We grabbed lunch and then skated for an hour.

On Wednesday, I went to Free Town Christiania which considers itself a separate community from Copenhagen. You can find a lot of cool street art and one of the giant trolls made by Thomas Dambo. I found Green George. You're not allowed to take pictures in most of Christiania so I would recommend going for a visit yourself.

On Thursday, my friends and I journeyed out to Odense to visit the H.C. Andersen House. It was an almost 2-hour bus ride out from Copenhagen. Odense was very cute and quaint and worth a relaxing day trip.

This weekend, I will be going on my final trip of the semester to Tallinn, Estonia!

(December 5, 2023 - December 7, 2023)

Ice skating

Green George

Odense and the H.C. Andersen House


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