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Week 15 at CBS

We had the first snow of the season this week in Copenhagen on Tuesday!  

Also on Tuesday, I went to IKEA to eat Swedish meatballs and buy gingerbread houses. The IKEA is nice in Copenhagen because you can order from machines instead of going through the typical cafeteria process.

On Wednesday, the snow was picturesque as it covered the ground, but I still went to Glyptoteket Museum which is free on the last Wednesday of every month. The museum was huge and had a wide range of sculpture collections. The Lemon Pie is also very good there but overpriced for the size.

On Thursday, I built gingerbread houses with my friends which was super fun. They sell mini house kits in Copenhagen at Flying Tiger and IKEA, but you have to buy icing and candies separately.

On Friday, CBS hosted a Christmas dinner for the exchange students. We got to eat traditional Danish Christmas food (roasted pork with red cabbage, liver paté with mushrooms, fried fish, marinated herring, chicken salad, boiled eggs, shrimp, and risalamande for dessert) and played a Danish Christmas present game (pakkeleg).

This weekend, I will be going to Luxembourg, Luxembourg!

(November 28, 2023 - December 1, 2023)

The snow!!


Glyptoteket Museum

Gingerbread houses

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