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Week 13 at CBS

In between the three trips I went on this week, I also explored more of Copenhagen.

On Monday, I went to the Royal Danish Library/Black Diamond. It is a giant library that blends the old, classic Royal Library with the new, modern Black Diamond together. I also went to the Danish Architecture Center (DAC) which is known for having a giant slide. Unfortunately, when I went, the slide was closed for construction. Then, I went to the Circle Bridge which is across from the Black Diamond. It is an interesting-looking bridge that opens for ships to pass.

On Monday night, I went to the Christmas Market at Højbro Plads with some friends. It is great to see that Denmark is already getting into the Christmas spirit in November.

On Friday, I went to Christiansborg Palace. You can visit The Royal Reception Rooms, The Royal Kitchen, The Ruins and The Royal Stables, and The Palace Chapel for DKK 155 as a student. The chapel is only open on Sundays and the tower was under construction when I went so I was not able to visit those. However, the rest of the palace is beautiful.

This weekend, I will be going to Amsterdam, Netherlands!

(November 13, 2023 - November 17, 2023)

The Royal Danish Library/Black Diamond

The Danish Architecture Center (DAC)

The Circle Bridge

The Christmas Market at Højbro Plads

Christiansborg Palace


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